Are You Using the Right Toothpaste?

187095521How do you typically choose your toothpaste? Do you have a favorite that you grew up with and continue to use based on tradition? Have you seen a specific feature highlighted in a recent TV commercial that influences what you buy? Are you looking for the best price?

Because there are so many different options available on the market today, it is more important than ever that you are taking the time to find the right toothpaste to see the best possible results. There are toothpastes that claim to whiten teeth while others claim to be the best for those who smoke. There are kid friendly toothpastes as well as toothpastes for those with dentures. It can be very easy to choose the wrong toothpaste, which can lead to issues down the road.

Related: Which mouthwash is the best for you?

Fluoridated Toothpaste

Everyone, no matter how old or young, should be using fluoridated toothpaste. Fluoride acts as the first line of defense against both bacteria and plaque that can ultimately cause cavities. It works to strengthen tooth enamel by adding much-needed minerals to the mouth, gum and teeth. Fluoridated toothpastes are easy to locate when you are shopping – just look for the American Dental Association seal on the package.

For Sensitive Teeth

Some people have very sensitive gums and teeth and need toothpaste that is more suited for their situation. We typically recommend that these people set up a time to visit us here at Smile Concepts first for a consultation so we can take a closer look at the issue. Upon examination, it may be suggested that you use toothpaste that contains potassium nitrate or strontium chloride, which are both known for their desensitizing qualities. These substances can help with sensitivity to hot and cold foods and drinks.

Whitening Toothpaste

We often see and hear advertisements about products that can help brighten our smiles by whitening teeth. This can be accomplished by using toothpastes with special detergents and abrasives that can remove stains from our teeth. It is important to realize that some stains, especially those that have been around for a while, will not be affected by whitening toothpaste. In some cases, a patient will see better results by scheduling professional whitening at Smile Concepts.

Tartar Control

When plaque is not removed in a timely fashion, it can harden into tartar, which can be very difficult to remove. Tartar can form on our teeth and even under the gums, leading to serious problems including gum disease. Fortunately, there are tartar control toothpastes available on the market that contain chemical compounds such as pyrophosphates and zinc citrate that have proven to be effective in addressing tartar. Some of these contain an antibiotic called triclosan, which helps to kill bacteria in the mouth.

As a dentist in the Scottsdale Arizona area, it is always important to me that I suggest the right toothpaste to my patients. To do so effectively often requires a check up on their dental health so I can make the right recommendation. If you have not visited a dentist in a while, give my office a call today at 480-951-2800 to schedule an appointment.

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