3 Things You Should Stop Eating for Better Oral Health

Oral HealthWhen it comes to oral health, most of us are after a beautiful smile and healthy white teeth. What we eat makes a big difference on how successful we are with those goals. All of the brushing and flossing in the world will not make a difference if we are too careless with what we are eating and drinking.

Preventing tooth decay and promoting good oral health starts with what we eat and how often. From the moment food first enters the mouth, the bacteria begins converting sugars and carbs into harmful acids that attack the enamel on our teeth. This is why it  is so important to pay close attention to what we are  eating.

If you are concerned with your overall oral health, here are 3 things you should stop eating now:

  1.  Dark Foods

Most coffee drinkers already know this, but it is not just coffee that can cause problems.  Dark berries, marinara sauce and even wine can have an adverse effect on our teeth. Teeth are made to absorb, even if it is on a very microscopic scale. When enough dark foods are consumed on a regular basis without proper brushing and flossing in between, you can bet that you will start to see a slight change of color. What makes things more interesting is the fact that some people have more porous teeth than others. They are more likely to see long-term effects, including staining and cavities.

  1. Sodas with Sugar

Keep in mind that when it comes to the enamel of our teeth, public enemy number one is the combination of sugar and bacteria. We can not control the amount of bacteria in our mouth, but we can choose how much sugar we introduce that bacteria to. Sugar in sodas is consumed by bacteria and they produce acid as a by product. Also, acidity of sodas causes erosion of the enamel which leads teeth to breakdown.. It goes without saying, (but we’ll say it anyways), that sugar free sodas are better for your mouth if you feel that you absolutely have to have soda. For the sake of your smile, avoid soda and sugary drinks.

  1. Candy

At this point, we know we are  losing most readers who are under the age of 12, but it still must be pointed out how damaging candy is to teeth. Recent reports show that candy is much worse for our teeth than soda. Some people will argue that they are careful with candy, consistently brushing and rinsing after eating candy. That is good, but it may not be good enough. Brushing and flossing are essential to a clean and healthy mouth, but there is  still a risk of sugar staying hidden in our mouths even after we have brushed. We are not suggesting that you never eat another piece of candy again for the rest of your life, but be careful!

Do you have specific concerns or questions about better oral health?  Give us a call! My team and I at Smile Concepts have been serving patients throughout the Scottsdale and Phoenix area for many years and are always happy to offer our support.

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